Meet our Quasi family of companies...

Architectural Images

Joseph Mills' is outstanding in the field of architectural photography, because that is often precisely the most auspicious angle from which to capture that defining image.

Art Hangs Here

Our meticulously curated selections are so tasteful, so refined and so costly, they are barely visible. It is art like you've never seen, nor are you likely to ever see again.

Painting on Paintings

Rea Baldridge claims to spend more time looking at her paintings than actually painting them, and it shows. She also believes she is "correcting" the works of the masters.

The American Socialite Party

We, the Politically Polite, in order to repair our broken union, pledge to respect and tolerate the opinions of others, no matter how ill-informed or idiotic. Because it is the AMERICAN thing to do.

TinyTown Crier

"Nothing too small to notice. Nothing too big to ignore. We may not be the "paper of record", but we prove that there are some things that are too good to print.

The Bozeaux School of Fine Taste

École des Bozeaux

"I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." Can you honestly say that? Do you really know what you like? If your taste has ever been questioned, you are not alone. Bozeaux Graduates are never in doubt, because their taste has been Certified.


“There should always be something in a painting that eludes first impression."

–Rea Baldridge


You may be curious about our ever-expanding portfolio of scintilating investment opportunities. And who could blame you? It's not every day that you discover such a rich vein of promising prospects for amassing great wealth.

Our representatives are ready to assist you in our lucrative QUASI Investments.